Rabies in Cats

Rabies is a viral disease, which affects the brain and the central nervous system of all mammals including humans, dogs, cats, cows, among others. This is a severe disease, which has been reported in many countries in the world.
How Rabies Gets into a Cat.
Rabies is a viral disease. What this implies is that it can only be transmitted from one organism into another by contact with body fluids. Therefore a cat will get the disease once it comes in contact with the body fluid of an infected cat. This can be done through biting or exchange of saliva during feeding. Other times, the exchange of the body fluids can be done at open wounds.
Risk of Rabies in Cats.
Cats are at high risk of contracting the disease, especially when they interact with wild animals. An unvaccinated cat that is allowed to roam outside is at the highest risk of getting rabies. The daily developed behaviour of these roaming cats may lead them into a fight with infected stray cats, stray dogs or wild animals. This fight may result in biting and exchange of fluids, which leads to the automatic transfer of rabies virus from the infected animal to the cat.
Symptoms of Rabies in Cats.
Once a cat has gotten the rabid virus, signs do not appear immediately. The symptoms may take months before they can be seen. Some of the symptoms characterising rabies are:
- Excess dripping saliva from the mouth.
- Paralysis in the mandible and the pharynx.
- Difficulty in swallowing.
- Muscles lack strong coordination.
- The jaw becomes dropped.
- Unusual shyness or aggression.
- Restlessness and lethargy.
- Paralysis.
- Loss of appetite.
- Weakness.
- Seizures.
- Disorientation of body systems.
Diagnosis of Rabies in Cats.
There is no particular diagnosing of rabies in an alive cat. Once the cat has died, it is when the diagnosis of the virus using the fluorescence technique together with an antibody test, can be done. The only thing that is done is that the virus is incubated in a cat that is alive. When one year elapses, then pathogenesis of the virus in the body of this cat would have occurred. Symptoms and signs on the cat can be studied and used to confirm, that there is rabies in that cat.
Treatment of Rabies in Cats.
There is no known treatment for rabies in cats. When a cat gets infected with the disease, it will eventually have to die.
Prevention of Rabies in Cats.
Rabies can only be prevented by a vaccination exercise. Vaccination is carried out by a reliable veterinary officer. When the cat becomes vaccinated, it reduces its chances of being infected with the rabies virus. The prevention comes in because the vaccine will expose the cat's immune system to the weakened virus. After that, the cat's body will develop antibodies to fight this weekend virus. This will result in memory cells from the attack of the virus being created, to respond to future attacks.
Rabies is a fatal disease in cats. It should be studied carefully, and all the preventive measures are taken. This will not only protect your cat from death, but also it will protect the individuals of the house from contracting the virus once bitten by your cat. Consultation with relevant veterinary doctors should be done for more information concerning the virus.